Scott Noelle.com Inspiration and Coaching for Leading-Edge Parents, Partners, and Professionals.

Glossary of Partnership Concepts

Rather than redefine the following terms every time I use them in my writing, I’ve assembled this glossary as a convenient reference. Feel free to recommend new entries. ~SN
Click on a term to see the full definition and/or recommended links.

The practice of making peace with What Is.

The quality of being true to oneself, emotionally honest, in alignment with one’s innermost being.

Authentic Power
Power that is sourced from within; intrinsic, innate, unlimited, inner power that can be experienced and tapped into under any conditions; the Source of inner freedom and unconditional love.

A state of mind characterized by the belief that external conditions (including others’ behaviors) are the cause of one’s well-being or suffering.

The natural tendency to resist or avoid being controlled or imposed upon by the will of another.

(adj.) Control-oriented, rule-driven, and fear-based; characterized by a negative view of human nature, belief in scarcity, right/wrong thinking, win/lose competition, and the use of force to control people and nature.

inner freedom
The awareness that you are free to choose your perspectives and your responses to the events and circumstances of life.

Inner Guidance
The ability to sense the degree to which one’s thoughts and actions are in alignment with one’s Authentic Self, typically via emotions or a related “felt sense.”  (Note: I use the terms “Inner Guidance” and “Emotional Guidance” interchangeably.)

(noun) A mutually empowering relationship that is enhanced through creativity and empathy; (adj.) having the qualities of a partnership.

preconquest consciousness
A type of intuitive, empathic, feeling-based consciousness that has been observed in hunter/gatherer cultures.

The illusion of power that is assigned to the “winner” in a win/lose, dominator system, especially when such “power” is merely control backed by force or threats.

When used as a verb, to should upon someone is to say or think that that person “should” behave a particular way, usually in an attempt to manipulate that person through the implied threat of judgment and shame. As a noun, a should is an instance of shoulding.

A state of mind in which one is willing to allow well-being into one’s experience, regardless of one’s life conditions.