Books by Scott Noelle

If you can tolerate my use of “adult language” in this book, you might enjoy learning what I have discovered in my ongoing journey to ELDERhood. These days, the word “adult” doesn’t mean much beyond its legal and biological implications, so I use the term “ELDER,” which stands for Empowered, Luminous, Disciplined, Evolving, and Responsible. An ELDER need not be especially old, just old enough to stop being childish. GTFU is meant to be a fun read, but it also provides a detailed roadmap for anyone who is serious about being an adult and an ELDER.
The book’s website,, has a full description, sample chapters, table of contents, and a plethora of resources for readers.
GTFU is available on Amazon.

The Daily Groove
In 2006, I started The Daily Groove email list to help parents make the paradigm shift necessary to practice Partnership Parenting effectively and joyfully. The idea was that deep change required daily practice, and that focusing on one concept per day would make it easier — especially when I distilled complex concepts into brief email messages that could be read in about a minute.
Before long, I had written more than 200 “grooves,” and many subscribers expressed a desire to have a collection of them in book form. So I wrote an introductory chapter and designed a book that can be used in multiple ways. You can read it like a normal book, or one page per day, and the latter can be in sequence or by flipping to a random page, letting “fate” determine which concept will best serve your needs for the day.
The Daily Groove is available on Amazon.

The Continuum Concept
Although I didn’t write The Continuum Concept — a classic in the natural parenting genre — there’s a reason I feel comfortable including it in a list of “my” books…
In 1997, after The Continuum Concept forever altered my path of parenthood, I volunteered to help the author Jean Liedloff create a presence for her book on the internet. This work continued for many years, until she passed away in 2011, at which point I learned that she had bequeathed all her copyrights to me. I was deeply honored to be entrusted with this responsibility, and I now describe my role as the “steward” of her work, maintaining the Continum Concept website and managing the publishing of the book in many languages.
The Continuum Concept is available at bookstores and on Amazon.
Jean’s amazing life story — including her adventures with the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest, who inspired her insights into human nature and nurture — is now available to enjoy as a biography called Jungle Jean, beautifully recounted by Geralyn Gendreau.