Scott Noelle.com Inspiration and Coaching for Leading-Edge Parents, Partners, and Professionals.

Resources from Scott Noelle

You’ve come to the right place if you’re interested in learning about my work and the ways I’ve applied partnership principles to parenting, education, relationships, and more.  The resources listed below were either created by me or are interviews of me (except where indicated otherwise).

Note:  On some of the older videos and podcasts I used the term “PATH Parenting,” which stands for Partnership, Authenticity, Trust, and Heart.  These days I use the more general term “Partnership Parenting.” Different label; same great principles...


Note: Some of the articles linked below are hosted on my other websites. You may need to use your browser’s “Back” button to return here.

Essential Reading

More Parenting Articles

Collections of Writings

Other Articles


YouTube Playlists

My YouTube channel is organized into several playlists:

The remaining playlists feature videos of my colleagues and influences:

Harmony Cafe Videos

The videos at harmony.cafe are about partnership-related topics, though not necessarily about parenting. We also have a separate YouTube channel.


  • Pathways to Family Wellness (2018)
    “Parenting Power Struggles.” Brendan Riordan, DC, interviews me about how to understand and unravel power confusion in parenting contexts.
  • Living Joyfully (2017)
    Pam Larrichia, one of the unschooling movement’s most beloved advocates, interviewed me about partnership parenting, the continuum concept, unschooling, self-directed education, and more.
  • The Homeschooling and Liberty Podcast (2017)
    Libertarians are often attracted to unschooling and partnership parenting as an expression of values like non-aggression and personal sovereignty.
  • Solo Parent Life (2017)
    “Building Partnerships with Your Children.” This podcaster was focused on single parenting, but our discussion didn’t go there much as we explored general parenting issues.
  • The Consciously Parenting Project (2016)
    Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
    My good friend Rebecca Thompson Hitt interviewed me about The Continuum Concept and creating community, and posted it in three episodes, 20 or 30 minutes each.
  • Unity Family Matters (2011)
    I was interviewed by Revs. Jennifer & Ogun Holder about parenting from a New Thought spiritual perspective. (Interview begins at 23:25)
  • Attachment Parenting International (2009)
    “The Joy of Partnership: Parenting that Works for Everyone.” I was interviewed by API Co-Founder Lysa Parker and former NBC anchor Lu Hanessian.


  • ScottNoelle.com
    You Are Here.
  • Harmony.Cafe
    Co-created with my partner, Beth Noelle, Harmony Cafe is our virtual venue for those who want to develop advanced partnership skills for creating more harmonious families, communities, and businesses.
  • DailyGroove.com
    For more than a decade, beginning in 2006, thousands of parents subscribed to my Daily Groove mailing list and received up to five emails a week, each containing a brief message to encourage daily practices and effect a gradual shift into a partnership mindset. Most of these “grooves” are available to read in the Daily Groove archives, and more than 200 are included in The Daily Groove book.
  • ContinuumConcept.org
    In 1997 — the year I became a dad — Jean Liedloff’s book The Continuum Concept altered the trajectory of my life, providing a map of human nature to guide us through parenthood. Shortly thereafter I partnered with Jean to bring her message to the (then new) World Wide Web. She died in 2011 at the age of 84, leaving me in stewardship of her works, for which I am deeply honored.
  • EnjoyParenting.com (archive)
    This site was the first home of The Daily Groove blog, as well as a number of online group coaching programs for leading-edge parents. The site is no longer active, but it’s still accessible, and I still agree with the message on the home page. What do you think?
  • Cosleeping.org
    This site is currently published as a single page summary of resources for anyone interested in co-sleeping — also known as bedsharing with babies and younger children — a natural nurturing practice that is the norm in traditional cultures and the preferred sleeping arrangement of babies everywhere.
  • BethNoelle.com
    This is my partner’s website. Beth is a professional singer, voice teacher, accompanist, dance instructor, choreographer, and Musical Theater performer/director. She has an innovative approach to singing and self-expression called “PATH of Authentic Voice.” She is also the creator of Movo:Dance, an hour-long movement ritual that celebrates the power and pleasure of embodied living.